你有什么計劃嗎? Nancy:Haveaniceweekend! Jerry:Thanks.Youtoo! Nancy:Doyouhaveanyplans? Jerry:Well,myfamily'sawayandIcan'taffordtodomuch.W...更多 >>
孩子英語學(xué)不好怎么辦?我們都知道,對于語言的學(xué)習(xí)一定要趁早,研究和經(jīng)驗來看,3到12歲是語言學(xué)習(xí)的黃金期。尤其是在英語的學(xué)習(xí)中,這一時期由于兒童...更多 >>
Reading閱讀理解 (A) In 1896 , the first modern Olympic Games opened in Athens in Greece . In the first modern Olympic Games , there were o...更多 >>
閱讀理解 (A) In the United States, it is not usual to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the morning...更多 >>
閱讀理解 (A) Birds live in trees. Squirrels(松鼠)live in trees. But did you know that some frogs(蛙)live in trees, too? The tree frog is...更多 >>
近日,hellokid在線少兒英語榮獲企業(yè)家日報社、浙江企業(yè)家理事會聯(lián)合評比的315誠信示范企業(yè)榮譽表彰。 企業(yè)家日報社、浙江企業(yè)家...
2020年5月29日,以起步,就與世界同步為主題的HelloKid在線少兒英語品牌升級發(fā)布會,在杭州白馬湖建國飯店如期舉行。 公司多位領(lǐng)...